Hurricane Isaac Aug. 29 10 am

We had a few updates from the beach.  All properties seem to fine a t first glance.  Our maintenance guys were able to get through the high water to take a look at things.  The power is back on for now at the end of the island and Becky will be in touch with you if you are coming in today.  Isaac has stalled a bit so we still have highwater on the road for a little longer.  Be sure to check out our Facebook fan page for current updates at!/pages/Sunset-Properties/5872428286

Thanks to Becky, Jim, Mark & Kathy for all of your above and beyond work during the storm!

Hurricane Isaac Aug. 28, 4 PM

Hi Everyone,

This is your update for Tuesday Afternoon.  At this time all of our staff are in their personal homes or with family.  We are seeing bands of heavy rain and wind come by every 3 to 4 hours north of the beach.  Below is a message from the beach!

Isaac is still predicted to hit near New Orleans as a Catagory 1 after 8 PM this evening. Be sure to visit Face book for Videos and updates!

We still plan to be back in full swing in the office by Thursday morning!  See ya soon guys!

Hurricane Isaac update Aug.27 1P.M.

Hi everyone!  This is the first of our updates for Hurricane Issac.  For those of you who are owners.  We have picked up, locked up and boarded up as needed.  We will be finishing these processes and sending our staff home to take care of their personal property tomorrow.  Below is the most current update from the city.  There are a few road closures pending at this time.

Gulf Shores, Ala – August 27, 2012 – City of Gulf Shores officials have announced no anticipated road closures or access restrictions to the island throughout the day today. 
Beginning at 8:00 a.m. on Tuesday, August 27 the City anticipates closures at Highway 59 and Zoo Road and Highway 135 and Highway 182 at Beach Boulevard. Residents and others with proper credentials will still be given access to these areas until further notice. 
City officials do not anticipate any interruption in utilities; however, the potential still remains for disruption as conditions can deteriorate rapidly.

    Sunset Properties Beach Update Aug. 27

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