8/16/10 Oil Leak Update The Dunes Beach

We haven’t been able to go out to the beach to make a video over the past couple days due to the vast amount of rain that we’ve been receiving.  Katie and I decided to go down there today to get one and didn’t even make it to the end of the boardwalk before it started pouring. Go figure. So needless to say, we didn’t make it down to the water. But we’ll post our video anyway!   The beach was pretty desolate earlier, the few people that we saw were packing up their things and heading for the high country.  But hopefully the rain will stop so people can go out there and enjoy the beach!! 

So while we’re sitting in the office trying to stay dry, you need to call us and make your reservations for Labor Day!  We’re filling up fast!!

We hope you have a great week!  See you guys soon!


8/11/10 Oil leak Update

Today is NOT another windless Wednesday at the Dunes Beach in Fort Morgan, Alabama.  There is a nice breeze coming from the southeast from TD5.  We’re not expecting much from this tropical depression but a little bit of rain and some more wind.  As you can see in the video below, it’s a little overcast, but the contrast between the water and the sky is absolutely amazing. Even on a cloudy day, it’s still beautiful out there!! 

  8/11/10 Oil Leak Update The Dunes Beach

Ft. Morgan Oil Spil update 08/09/10

Good morning everyone!  I was able to catch the start to a beautiful morning on the beach in Ft. Morgan today.  The temperature was wonderful and there was even a nice breeze off of the gulf.  We are expecting up to 95 degrees today but we expect it to feel like 105.  The water is still looking great ans hopefully we can get some water videos for you later in the week!

We are still running great specials and our prices will be dropping again soon, give us a call if you are ready to take a beach vacation!

       Ft. Morgan Oil Spill Update 08/09/10 from Sunset Properties

Ft. Morgan oil spill update 08/06/10

We have another hot and humid day in Ft. Morgan today, but it is beautiful on the beach.  The water is clear and the beach is looking good.  We have a little bigger crowd here through the weekend enjoying the newly open water.  We hope you can come down and enjoy the beach with us soon.  Our new friends Craig and Carrie met us on the beach earlier today and were gracious enough to give the beach update this afternoon.  See you soon guys!!! Ft. Morgan oil spill update 08/06/10

8/5/10 Oil Leak Update

Hi Friends!! It’s another hot day down here at the Gulf. It’s been storming on and off over the past few days, but it doesn’t seem to have cooled it off any! The beach is beautiful and the water is extremely clear…the prettiest I’ve seen it in a long time. You need to get on down here and see us! We hope to see you soon!

Ft. Morgan Oil spill Update 08/02/10

What a beautiful day  in Ft. Morgan.  It looks like the we will have some afternoon storms rolling in!  These are pretty typical with the heat and humidity we are having right now.  The beach is amazing and the water is open for swimming and fishing!  We have wonderful turquoise, crystal clear water again this week.  Just a couple of tar balls, and only a salt breeze smell in the air. 
Ft. Morgan oil spill update 08/02/10 from Sunset Properties
We hope to see you soon!!!

Ft. Morgan Oil Spill Update 07/31/10

It’s already the last day of July and we can’t believe it.  On this very hot day a few people are enjoying today but just about everyone is getting ready for the weddings this afternoon.  We have two wedding parties here right now.  They are very excited about the upcoming events of the day.  We love having weddings on our beach, and we are thrilled that these families chose to celebrate their special day with us.     Ft. Morgan Oil Spill Update 07/31/10 from Sunset Properties
It is really hot and we don’t have much of a breeze today but the water is beautiful and is still open for swimming and catch and release fishing.   Call us for the latest specials, and we hope to see you soon!

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