Bands, Barks, and Brews!

Bring your favorite pooch and join us the last Sunday of each month this Summer and celebrate a day with the family! Live entertainment, food and an event centered on regional craft beers all included in a great family event. Bring your friendly dog on a leash and enjoy socializing with other dog lovers. Leash-free area and dog activities abound. Event benefits the Humane Society of Baldwin County.

All Proceeds go to Barc

Come for a long weekend and enjoy some great time on the beach with your dog.  Then go for a little doggy social time at The Wharf!  Check out the video of this past Bands, Barks & Brew.  Ginny Lane Bar & Grill sponsers Bands, Barks & Brews featuring different live local bands each month. Bring your friendly dog on leash and enjoy the afternoon listening to great music and socializing with Fido and Rover. Activities include a leash-free area, weiner dog races, pet exhibits, local art sale, food, and of course, beer.
*Friendly dogs only please. Leashes are required when not in designated free-leash area.

We hope to see you there for this family friendly, low cost fun outing for pets and there people!  Don’t forget this money helps the entire beach community with keeping our local animals safe and

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