06/23/10 Ft. Morgan Oil leak Update from Sunset Properties

Good afternoon everyone!  It is another beautiful beach day.  There is a cool breeze and big waves today.  The water is still beautifully clear, and a few folks are enjoying the water, despite the ban on swimming.  People can’t seem to resist getting in the beautiful water.
06/23/10 Ft. Morgan Oil Leak update from Sunset Properties
We wanted to let you know if you are considering coming down for July 1st we have a very limited number of Jimmy buffet tickets that we can offer with a rental for that long weekend.  Like I said we have a VERY limited number so when they are gone they are gone!  We hope to see y’all soon.

06/21/10 Ft. Morgan oil Leak update, from Tara at Sunset Properties

Good Afternoon Everyone!  It is another beautiful day in Paradise.  Crystal clear water lots of swimmers, you can see the fish swim by.  People are fishing and releasing their surprisingly large catches, and having a blast.  I have seen people snorkeling for shells, splashing in the waves and, playing frisbee, and football in and out of the water.  Everyone I have spoken to is thrilled with how beautiful everything has been and continues to be.  I wish we could send you a paradise to enjoy!  No oil, no tar, no smell, hurry up and join us! 06/21/10 Ft. Morgan Oil Leak Update from the Dunes Community at Ft. Morgan

Ft. Morgan Oil Leak Update 06/20/10

I am still not a 100% in the voice department, so Karen and the University of Alabama Summertide Theatre group did our update today!  The Summertide performers stay with us each summer and put on daily shows each evening at 8 pm.  These musicals are wonderful and we are so honored to host these talented young men and women.  If you have a chance while you are here catch this years show, “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee”!  I laughed until my face hurt, it was such a wonderful show… 

From what I understand because of the north winds we had all night causing cooler temperatures today.  The beach is basically perfect!!!!  The water is a beautiful turquoise, no smell in the air and a breeze from the north!  We hope to see you soon. 06/20/10 Ft. Morgan Oil Leak Update, from Sunset Properties with U. of AL Summertide Group

Ft. Morgan Oil Leak Update 06/19/10

Good afternoon everyone.  It is another HOT, beautiful, breeze less day in Ft. Morgan.  The beaches are sugary white and the water is still see to the bottom clear.  We have no smell beyond salt water and sunscreen at our beach toady.  We wanted to thank the Skelton family for allowing us to film as the paddled around in the water.  Thanks guys have a great trip!!!  We have some great news be sure to check out the video for the update!  Hope to see you soon…  06/19/10 Oil Leak Update for The Dunes Community at Ft. Morgan from Sunset Properties

06/17/10 Ft. Morgan oil Leak update from the Dunes Beach

Good morning everyone! Sorry about yesterday.  I took the day off and the office was really busy and unable to make a video in my place.  I am back to day and things are just as lovely as when I left.  I spent a lot of time on the beach this morning talking to different families and people who are here.  everyone I spoke to is having a great time still the only thing they would change is a little bit of breeze because it is so warm.   
06/17/10 Ft. Morgan oil leak update by Sunset Properties from The Dunes Beach
The water is amazingly clear, I was able to see fish and seashells in the water from the shore.  the water has been so calm people are floating on rafts and getting great tans!  The kids are running through the water scooping up whatever creatures they see and taking a closer look. 

There is a clean up crew on the beach this morning.  They cleaned up some debris that was found with oil on it.  It was mostly seaweed and the larger seaweed plants that typically wash up this time of year.  The beach is beautiful, and there is absolutely no smell today.

We look forward to seeing you very soon!

06/15/10 Oil Leak Update from The Dunes Beach, in Ft. Morgan

Good afternoon everyone. It is a sunny, hot day on The Dunes Beach in Ft. Morgan. There are a few clouds and a bit of a breeze that are keeping things cooled off a little today. I managed to not get wet today but saw lots of people enjoying the water again today. We have noticed some slight odor today and this is only the second time so we are feeling very blessed. The faint gas grill smell comes and goes and it seems to corresponding with when the oil is burned off of the surface of the Gulf. The water is still crystal clear and you can see to the bottom where fish are swimming and you have easy access to beautiful shells. A guest Mrs. Jones sent everyone a message today on the video. We look forward to seeing you soon.06/15/10 Ft. Morgan Oil Leak Update, from Sunset Properties

Ft. Morgan Oil Leak Update, 06/14/10

Good afternoon everyone!  It has been a crazy Monday morning, sorry for the delay in getting the   It is another hot day with very little breeze on the beach, but it is beautiful!  Everyone I met on the beach or those who have come through the office are having a blast.  We still have seen little impact beyond a few tar balls that are immediately cleaned up and we haven’t see those in days. 
06/14/10 Ft. Morgan, Dunes Beach, Oil Leak Update from Katie at Sunset Properties
There is no breeze today so I don’t have salty breezes to report, but there are no other smells either.  It is just a typical hot day on the beach.  Besides people in the water, I saw fish swimming and birds fishing.  It is really, really HOT!  I burned the bottom of my feet walking on the sugar white sand down to the water and got the bottom of my dress soaked when I decided to get in the water to cool them off.  I am dry now  and wanted to give you  as much as an update as I can. Abby, the puppy just in from swimming at Ft. Morganvideo up.

We had a request for a “real” update.  This person was wanting a forecast, I am sorry we are not getting any forecasts so I cannot give one.  If I had one Icertainly would!  We are living life one day at a time and taking things as they come.  So far we have been completely blessed with the little to no impact we have received.  I am continuing on with this beautiful beach  is the way it will be and if and when it changes I will let you know.  I can tell you every forecast we heard in the past when they were actually making them has been wrong for our area.  Even NOAA will not give a forecast for the oil impact.  I am sorry.

06/12/10 Ft. Morgan, The Dunes Beach, Oil Leak update

Good Morning Everyone!

It was another early morning dropping off the Turtle Patrol, we have five nests on Ft. Morgan so far, and the season is just ramping up.  I stopped by on my way back into town to grab a quick video.  All is very quiet on the beach this morning.  No wind, which is strange, and just a couple of people the beach and water look clear and no smell still.  It looks like the Gulf shores shrimping fleet is off the coast keeping an eye on our beaches making sure they stay safe and clean for vacationers.  Thanks so much guys for keeping an eye on us!  They didn’t seem to be skimming but just looking out for anything that could be out there.  It is comforting to know they are out there.  It looks like another HOT beautiful day at the beach.  Hope to see ya’ll soon.
06/12/10 The Dunes Beach in Ft. Morgan Oil Leak Update from Sunset Properties

Ft. Morgan, The Dunes Beach, Oil Leak Update 06/12/10

Good morning everyone.  It is turning out to be a beautiful morning the temperature is not as hot but it has been a little overcast.  The beach is very quiet this morning Saturday’s are typically a big check out day for us so everyone is heading home.  There were a few people on the beach but it was actually really quiet.  I saw the oil patrol go bye, and the Coast Guard fly over, heard the waves and smelled the salt air this morning.  The water is still very clear, with the exception of a few sticks and some seaweed that has washed in with the big storms. 
06/12/10 Dunes Beach at Ft. Morgan, Oil leak update from Sunset Properties
I am sure all of you have seen the reports on the news that Ft. Morgan has oil on its beaches, it is  here in places.  The worst report i have heard is from Mobile street it is about 13 miles to the east of us.  this part of the beach is part of the Bon Secour Wildlife Refuge, I spoke with my good friends yesterday after the oil came a shore, they were out on that beach planting Sea Oats doing beach restoration when the oil was noticed.  It is breaking our hearts to see it on the beaches anywhere and at the same moment we feel so very blessed that it is not on ours. 

 It seems for now everyones prayers and the One who controls the strong currents coming out of Mobile Bay are keeping us oil free.  I’ll be back inthe morning.  Please call us if you have any questions, or concerns, or if you would like to visit and enjoy the beaches for a special rate!          06/12/10 New friends waving at me from the water this morning!

Ft. Morgan, The Dunes Beach Oil Leak update 06/10/10

Good morning everyone!  Another beautiful day on the Dunes Beach in Ft. Morgan.  The crowds are not huge but the people who are out are enjoying the beach.  I have a couple of videos for you one from yesterday afternoon about what people are finding on the beach and one from that morningWhat we found In the water and on the beach 06/09/10,  the Anderson Family were kind enough to let me film them enjoying the beach this morning. Ft. Morgan, The Dunes Beach, Oil Leak Update 06/10/10  We see just a little bit of seaweed floating around but mostly I see kids and families in the water and having a great time.  We hope to see soon!

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