Creativity Reigns on Rainy Days at the Beach with Life’s A Canvas

We have had LOTS of rain this year.  We have also had lots of requests for things to do at the beach when it rains.  Alex and I found a fantastic way to be creative, and spend an afternoon or evening making a one of a kind souvenir with your family! 

Some of the many painting options
Some of the many painting options

Recently, several members of the Sunset Properties staff took a group painting class.  You have probably heard of these classes.  You go as a group and everyone paints the same picture with direction from the staff and typically you have a glass of wine or something. 

There is a fantastic place in Orange Beach with a family friendly painting that is perfect for kiddos and couples alike.  If you and the children need something to do on a rainy day why not paint a great beach painting or a tropical fish painting, or maybe even a favorite part of the beach.  The fantastic staff at Life’s A Canvas, will help you and your children create a beautiful picture that you couldn’t find at a souvenir shop.  The best part of this experience is you get family time and you make something memorable from your vacation. 

Our next painting!
Our next painting!

This all may sound very intimidating, but it is not!  You are painting a picture with direction from helpful teachers.  They tell you what colors to use, where to start and take you step by step through the picture.  They even tell you how to mix colors and what paint brushes to use when.  It is an amazing feeling to walk in and have a blank canvas and walk out with a beautiful picture that you painted.

lac painting start
step 1 Anchor’s Away
lac panoramic
Anchor’s Away class at Life’s a Canvas finishing up!

Alex and I tried our hand at painting recently and had a great time, and came home with a masterpiece, at least to us!  The class was on Wednesday evening.  Wednesday’s are their “Unwind Wednesday’s”!  During these classes the Tiki Bar is open if you are interested in purchasing an adult beverage.  I had a Black Cherry soda, so drinking is certainly not required!  This class is full of local regulars and they played the newest radio hits while you paint.  This night was a mix of kind of club music and popular pop songs.  Other nights they play a more laid back selection. While children are always welcome the staff does recommend maybe choosing another night for a more kid friendly experience.  The artists who come to paint Wednesday, come to unwind from their week. 

lac step 2
Step 2 Anchor’s Away

We both chose a beverage and the class started shortly after that.  The artist began giving directions on how to mix colors and exactly where to start on the canvas.  As we walked through the steps of the painting it began to appear.  We were in a room of about 20 women and everyone was having a great time.  Between steps we took a little break to allow for dry time.  During this dry time we had a chance to look at all of the beautiful art for sale and jewelry that they had throughout the shop.  If you are looking for some great unique jewelry this is the place to shop.  We shortly jumped back into the painting.  The entire night everyone in walked around and encouraged everyone else about their painting.  It was a wonderfully encouraging experience with great music and lots of laughter and fun. 

LAC step 3
Anchor’s Away step 3
lac showing off our final product
Anchor’s Away Finished Product

If it is rainy while you are here do not miss this opportunity to paint with your family or friends!  I think you should work it in to your schedule rain or shine because it is such a unique experience!  What a perfect way to capture your memories at the beach.  Take a few hours and paint them yourself.  Classes start at $35 a person and this includes all of your supplies and a canvas.  Life’s a Canvas is open daily at 10 am until 9 pm.  You are welcome to bring whatever food and nonalcoholic beverage you would like.  Or if you need catering suggestions give them a call.  They do book classes and special parties and if you book a party they will give you a little bit of a price break.  The best part to me is you can bring the kiddos and they can paint too.  If kids are under 12 it is only $30 and again this includes all of your paint and supplies.  There are special days set aside as family days for painting, typically Sunday starting at 2. 

Life’s A Canvas is a don’t miss while you are here!  Be sure to leave a couple of hours open to create!

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