Fall into A Fantastic Beach Vacation!!!!

baby sea turtleI have said it before and will say it again Fall is my favorite time at the beach.  The weather is perfect.  The crowds are small unless you are coming to Shrimp Festival!  There are amazing things to see and do constantly between the festivles and all the comings and goings in nature. I wanted to take some time and share some of my favorite fall memories with you.

I have fantastic memories of spending entire weekends in crystal clear water diving for whole seashells just off shore with some of my best friends.  I think back about chasing piles of blue crabs through water with nets and filling up buckets with them for dinner.  We laughed and squeeled like little kids it was so much fun.  Watching the first little baby sea turtle poke his nose through the sand on a moonlit night.  Then suddenly that one special spot on the beach was boiling with a hundred baby sea turtles who immediately began marching to the safety of the water.  Humming birds sneaking in through an open door in the office because the weather was so nice we wanted to leave the doors open.  Watching the tireless team of Bird Banders weigh and measure someof the most beautiful creatures that visit or little piece of the island.  Then getting to let the bird go from my hand for it to continue on its southern migration.  At night watching metor showers from the quiet darkness of the beach.

My new favorite is Fall memory is enjoying the cooler weather with my husband.  Walking hand and hand down the shore exploring all the way down to Fort Morgan and back.  I get a chance to show him my favorite things and share childhood memories.  It is always such a special time for us.

Please join us this fall at the beach with your girlfriends, on a fishing trip, or just you and someone special!   You will make wonderful memories for a lifetime.  We hope to see you very soon!!!



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