Ft. Morgan Sea Turtles

Sea Turtles are our favorite local wildlife.  This time of year the Loggerhead Sea Turtles are in nesting mode.  Currently we have 27 nests in Ft. Morgan alone.  different government organizations have been stopping mother sea turtles this year and affixing tracking devices to their backs.  You can see the Sea Turtle Tracking on line.  Unfortunately it is not real time there is a 10 day lag time to when it is posted online.  That is not the only exciting news with Sea Turtles this year we have had several live releases of injured turtles this year as well.

In 55 Days after the nest is laid  in the sand the babies start to emerge.  Baby Turtles making their way to the water is a site not to be missed!  Our first nest in Ft. Morgan will be hatching out in the next week and then we should have at least one a week until October.  Check with us at the office and we can let you know where the next nest open to the public will be!  See you soon!

Tennis Time at the Beach!

For all of you tennis fans, Gulf Shores is now part of the Alabama Tennis Tour.  This means there are outstanding courts within 20 minutes of your vacation spot.  Oh, and did I mention they are, FREE!!!!  Gulf Shores has an immaculate 5000 square foot state of the art facility right in the heart of town.  These courts are located at the George C. Meyer Tennis Center which is on West 2nd Street, just behind the Post Office. 

This Center boasts 12 hard surface courts, 6 Rubico courts, 4 covered courts, and 2 open.  There is seating for 150 and the courts are lighted so you can enjoy evening games and bring your cheering section along.  There are also covered pavilions a tennis lounge, restrooms, and observation decks. 

The hours of operation are as follows; courts are open 7 days a week 7 a.m. – 10 p.m. The Tennis center is open Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5p.m.  So pack your rackets don’t forget your tennis shoes, and get ready to enjoy cool gulf breezes while you play a match or two. Special thanks to Pam Livingston for the great photos!!!

Surf Beagle

As most of you know we have a dog friendly beach in Ft. Morgan and a dog in our office most days!  Skyler, is our office Beagle / greeter / boss.  We all tend to work our schedules around what the dog needs during the day, and he is spoiled to say the least!  We really think that he is of the opinion, that people come to the office just to visit with him.  Skyler is not just a lazy lump looking for the next snack or belly rub though.  He loves the beach and trying to catch the birds is one of his favorite past times and he is a great surfer.  All we have to say is “lets surf” and Skyler is ready to go!   Check out our Surf Beagle in action!

Brandiwine, A great way to unwind

One of our favorite past times is dinner every other Thursday at Tequila’s and Listening to the music of Brandiwine.  We were introduced to Eric and Brandi through our maintenance man Jim Merrick who is their sometime guitar player.  Brandi and Eric always add fun and merriment to our evenings, when we are trying to relax after a busy day.  It is great to live in and work in a community where people are so talented and love to share their gift.  Brandi has an absolutely spellbinding voice and their music ranges from Heart to Hank Williams. 

When your are out this summer be sure to schedule your Thursday night for Tequila’s and Brandiwine!  You won’t regret this great time with new friends, enjoying yummy Mexican and music that puts you in the vacation spirit.  You will walk away feeling like a local.

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