The migration has begun!!!

We see all kinds of animals migrate through our area. We sit in a unique area that allows us to witness birds, butterflies, even different sea life migrate past our little stretch of island. Right now we are enjoying our finely feathered friends as the migrate through. The Alabama Gulf Coast is a critical stopover point as migratory birds return from Central and South America. The bird banding station opens before dawn each day and;operations usually cease between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m., depending on the flow of birds. Bring a lawn chair, binoculars and inquisitive mind but leave the pets at home.
Admission: Admission to Fort: $5:00 adults, $3:00 children 6-12, free to younger children. Banding is FREE.

Dates & Times
Mar 31, 2012 – Apr 12, 2012
Fort Morgan, 51 State Highway 180 West, Gulf Shores, AL 36542

The migration has begun and we are enjoying these beautiful painted beauties as rest right outside our door.

scarlet tanager
scarlet tanager

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